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/ Turn the Power On! 3 / Turn the Power On! HP Volume III (HP)(1995).ISO / ia_system

Directories (2)
Name# Files   Name# Files
cdconfig4   smocolorpcx3

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
fontlist.dat Text File 513 19KB 1995-10-03
iauthor.pth Text File 29 499b 1995-10-03
iconauthor Text File 107 4KB 1995-10-03

Other Files (7)
ia_strings.slb Unknown 14KB 1995-10-03
ianimate.slb Unknown 5KB 1995-10-03
smo_strings.slb Unknown 6KB 1995-10-03
smo.dat Unknown 305KB 1995-10-03
smo.lib Unknown 304KB 1995-10-03
smoblksty.lib Unknown 2KB 1995-10-03
smt_strings.slb Unknown 6KB 1995-10-03